[186] Two-stage Stochastic Optimization for Customer-centric Aircraft Routing considering Stochastic Travel Times
Y.J. Kwon, B. Lu and I.K. Moon
Transportation Research Record (Accepted)
[185] A Bilevel Approach to Reduce Peak Load of Community Microgrid with Distributed Generators
Y.B. Woo and I.K. Moon
International Transactions in Operational Research (Accepted)
[184] An Integrated Approach for an Aircraft Routing and Fuel Tankering Problem
H.M. Yoo, J.H. Lee and I.K. Moon
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science (Accepted)
[183] Heterogeneous Vehicle Scheduling with Precedence Constraints
R. Zhang, Z. Liu, and I.K. Moon
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science (Accepted)
[182] Coordinated logistics with trucks and drones for premium delivery
D.W. Kim, C.S. Ko and I.K. Moon
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science (Accepted)
[181] Reliable Container Supply Chain under Disruption
Y.J. Jeong, G. Kim and I.K. Moon
Annals of Operations Research (Accepted)
[180] An integrated model of supply chain resilience considering supply and demand uncertainties
J.M. Lee and I.K. Moon
International Transactions in Operational Research (2025. 07) Vol. 32, Issue 4, pp 1834-1860 📖[View PDF]
[179] Clustered Vehicle Routing Problem for Waste Collection with Smart Operational Management Approaches
J.M. Kim, A. Manna, A. Roy and I.K. Moon
International Transactions in Operational Research (2025. 03) Vol. 32, Issue 2, pp 863-887 📖[View PDF]
[178] Spatio-temporal task pricing for shared electric micro-mobility battery-swapping platform with reinforcement learning
M.J. Kim and I.K. Moon
International Journal of Production Research (2025.02) Vol. 63, Issue 4, pp 1473-1494 📖[View PDF]
[177] Trip pricing in user-based relocation for station-based carsharing systems
R. Zhang, H. Kan and I.K. Moon
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2025. 01) Vol. 26, Issue 1, pp 591-603 📖[View PDF]
[176] Pricing Strategies in an M/G/m/m Loss System: A Case Study of Incheon International Airport Customer Services
J.S. Park and I.K. Moon
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (2024.12) Vol. 192, 103821 📖[View PDF]
[175] A Game Theoretic Approach for Tradable White Certificates Regarding Energy Rebound and Government Intervention
S. Safarzadeh, M. Rasti-Barzoki, J. Altmann and I.K. Moon
Environment, Development and Sustainability (2024. 11) Vol. 26, pp 29643 - 29676 📖[View PDF]
[174] Effects of Foldable Containers in Various Circumstances in Maritime Transport
M.S. Kim, B. Lu and I.K. Moon
Transportation Research Record (2024. 10) Vol. 2678, Issue 10, pp 1123 - 1137 📖[View PDF]
[173] Dynamic Pickup and Delivery Problem for Autonomous Delivery Robots in an Airport Terminal
J.H. Jeong and I.K. Moon
Computers & Industrial Engineering (2024.10) Vol. 196, 110476 📖[View PDF]
[172] Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Variable Radius Set Covering Problem for Emergency Wireless Network
Y.S. Park, C.S. Ko and I.K. Moon
Computers and Operations Research (2024.10) Vol. 170, 106765 📖[View PDF]
[171] Scheduling-location problem with drones
D.W. Kim and I.K. Moon
International Transactions in Operational Research (2024.09) Vol. 31, Issue 5, pp 2850 - 2874 📖[View PDF]
[170] A hybrid deep reinforcement learning approach for a proactive transshipment of fresh food in the online-offline channel system
J.H. Lee, Y.C. Shin, and I.K. Moon
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (2024.07) Vol. 187, 103576 📖[View PDF]
[169] Flexible Vehicle Scheduling with Precedence Constraints for Tourists
Z. Liu, I.K. Moon and R. Zhang
International Transactions in Operational Research (2024.07) Vol. 32, Issue 4, pp 2309 - 2337 📖[View PDF]
[168] Airline Dynamic Pricing with Patient Customers Using Deep Exploration-Based Reinforcement Learning
S.B. Jo, G.M. Lee and I.K. MOON
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (2024.07) Volume 133, Part A, 108073 📖[View PDF]
[167] A decomposition approach for robust omnichannel retail operations considering the third-party platform channel
J.H. Lee and I.K. Moon
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (2024.04) Vol. 184, 103466 📖[View PDF]
[166] Multiple-objective Scheduling for Batch Process Systems Using Stochastic Utility Evaluation
H.S. Park, Y.C. Shin and I.K. Moon
International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice (2024.04) 📖[View PDF]
[165] Universal Point Scheme with a Platform and Multiple Retailers
X. Feng, B. Wen, W. Shi and I.K. Moon
International Journal of Production Research (2024.04) Vol.62, Issue 8, pp 2943 - 2962 📖[View PDF]
[164] E-commerce Supply Chain Network Design Using On-demand Warehousing System under Uncertainty
J.H. Lee, C.S. Ko and I.K. Moon
International Journal of Production Research (2024.03) Vol.62, Issue 5, pp 1901-1927 📖[View PDF]
[163] Price-cutting or incentive? Differentiated competition between regional asymmetric ports
B. Lu, L. Fan, H. Wang and I.K. Moon
Transport Policy (2024.03) Vol. 147, pp 215-231 📖[View PDF]
[162] Distributionally Robust Multiperiod Inventory Model for Omnichannel Retailing Considering Buy-online, Pickup-in-store and Out-of-stock, Home-delivery Services
Y.C. Shin, Y.B. Woo and I.K. Moon
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2024.01) Vol. 71, pp 2606 - 2622 📖[View PDF]
[161] Supplier selection and order allocation problems considering regional and supplier disruptions with a risk-averse strategy
J.M. Lee and I.K. Moon
Computers & Industrial Engineering (2024.01) Vol. 187, 109810 📖[View PDF]
[160] Pricing, warranty, and shelf space decisions for the supply chain with non-symmetric market and warranty-period dependent demand
A.A. Taleizadeh, F. Aboutorabian, R. Moradi, I.K. Moon and N. Mohamadi
Operational Research (2023.12) Vol. 23, article number 61 📖[View PDF]
[159] An Exact Solution Approach for the Mobile Multi-agent Sensing Problem
G. Kim, J.M. Lee and I.K. Moon
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control (2023.11) Vol. 33, Issue 17, pp 10405-10424📖[View PDF]
[158] Military Aircraft Flight and Maintenance Planning Model Considering Heterogeneous Maintenance Tasks
G.S. Cha, J.S. Park and I.K. Moon
Reliability Engineering & System Safety (2023.11) Vol. 239, 109497 📖[View PDF]
[157] Analyzing Airline Delay Propagation and Delay Cause Using a Gaussian Network
Y.J. Kwon, R. Zhang and I.K. Moon
International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice (2023.10) Vol. 30, No. 5 📖[View PDF]
[156] Determining the pricing strategy for different preference structures for the earth observation satellite scheduling problem through simulation and VIKOR
A.V. Vasegaard, I.K. Moon, P. Nielsen and S. Saha
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal (2023.09) Vol. 35, pp 945 - 973 📖[View PDF]
[155] A Column Generation Approach for a Dynamic Ridesharing Problem
M.S. Kim, H.W. Kim and I.K. Moon
Transportation Letters (2023.09) Vol. 15, Issue 9, pp 1114-1125 📖[View PDF]
[154] Flight Rescheduling of an Airline Under the Ground Delay Program Considering Delay Propagation in Multiple Airports
J.Y. Lee and I.K. Moon
Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics (2023.09) Vol. 11, Issue 1, pp 1871-1892📖[View PDF]
[153] Multi-Vehicle Clustered Traveling Purchaser Problem Using a Variable-Length Genetic Algorithm
A. Roy, S. Maity and I.K. Moon
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (2023.08) Vol.123 106351 📖[View PDF]
[152] A Facility Location Problem in a Mixed Duopoly on Networks
J.S. Park and I.K. Moon
Transportation Research Part E (2023.07) Vol.175 103149 📖[View PDF]
[151] Robust Building Evacuation Planning in a Dynamic Network Flow Model under Collapsible Nodes and Arcs
Y.C. Shin and I.K. Moon
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (2023.04) Vol.86, 101455 📖[View PDF]
[150] Carbon emission controlled investment and warranty policy based production inventory model via meta-heuristic algorithms
A.K. Manna, S. Das, A.A. Shaikh, A.K. Bhunia and I.K. Moon
Computers & Industrial Engineering (2023.03) Vol.177, 109001 📖[View PDF]
[149] Facility Location-Allocation Problem for Emergency Medical Service with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Y.S. Park, S.Y. Lee, I.K. Sung, P. Nielsen and I.K. Moon
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2023.02) Vol.24, No.2, pp 1465-1479 📖[View PDF]
[148] Supply Chain Coordination based on Mean-variance Risk Optimization: Pricing, Warranty, and Full-refund Decisions
A.A. Taleizadeh, A. Amjadian, S.E. Hashemi-Petrood and I.K. Moon
International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics (2023.01) Vol.10, No.1, 2249808 📖[View PDF]
[147] Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for EV Charging Scheduling in a Smart Grid
K.W. Park and I.K. Moon
Applied Energy (2022.12) Vol.328, 120111 📖[View PDF]
[146] A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Multi-fleet Aircraft Recovery under Airline Disruption
J.H. Lee, K.S. Lee and I.K. Moon
Applied Soft Computing (2022.11) Vol.129, 109556 📖[View PDF]
[145] Multi-Trip Multi-Trailer Drop-and-Pull Container Drayage Problem
D. Wang, I.K. Moon and R. Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2022.10) Vol.23, No.10, pp 19088-19104 📖[View PDF]
[144] IoT-based Smart Bin Allocation and Vehicle Routing in Solid Waste Management: A case study in South Korea
A. Roy, A. Manna, J.M. Kim and I.K. Moon
Computers & Industrial Engineering (2022.09) Vol.171, 108457 📖[View PDF]
[143] A Game Theoretic Approach to the Selection, Mentorship, and Investment Decisions of Start-up Accelerators
H.Zarei, M. Rasti-Barzoki and I.K. Moon
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2022.08) Vol.69, Issue 4, pp 1753-1768 📖[View PDF]
[142] Effects of Variable Setup Cost, Reliability, and Production Costs Under Controlled Carbon Emission in a Reliable Production System
I.K. Moon, W.Y. Yun, and B. Sarkar
European Journal of Industrial Engineering (2022.07) Vol.16, No.4, pp 371-397 📖[View PDF]
[141] Inventory policy for postponement strategy in the semiconductor industry with a die bank
D.W. Kim, Y.S. Park, H.Y. Kim, K.S. Park and I.K. Moon
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (2022.05) Vol.117, 102498 📖[View PDF]
[140] Fix-and-optimize approach for a healthcare facility location/network design problem considering equity and accessibility : a case study
P. Pourrezaie-Khaligh, A. Bozorgi-Amiri, A. Yousefi-Babadi, and I.K. Moon
Applied Mathematical Modelling (2022.02) Vol.102, pp 243-267 📖[View PDF]
[139] Optimal Start Time of a Markdown Sale Under a Two-Echelon Inventory System
Y.C. Shin, C. S. Ko, and I.K. Moon
International Transactions in Operational Research (2022.01) Vol.29, Issue 1, pp 600-623 📖[View PDF]
[138] Strategic inventory and pricing decision for substitutable products
S. Saha, I. Nielsen and I.K. Moon
Computers & Industrial Engineering (2021.10) Vol.160, 107570 📖[View PDF]
[137] Production-Inventory Control Model for a Supply Chain Network with Economic Production Rates under no Shortages Allowed
Y.B. Woo, I.K. Moon, and B.S. Kim
Computers & Industrial Engineering (2021.10) Vol.160, 107558 📖[View PDF]
[136] Efficient Stowage Plan with Loading and Unloading Operations for Shipping Liners using Foldable Containers and Shift Cost-Sharing
M.S. Kim, Y.J. Jeong, and I.K. Moon
Maritime Policy & Management (2021.08) Vol.48, Issue 6, pp 877-894 📖[View PDF]
[135] A Data-Driven Distributionally Robust Newsvendor Model with a Wasserstein Ambiguity Set
S.Y. Lee, H.W. Kim, and I.K. Moon
Journal of the Operational Research Society (2021.08) Vol.72, No.8, pp 1879-1897 📖[View PDF]
[134] A Mobile Multi-agent Sensing Problem with Submodular Functions Under a Partition Matroid
J.M. Lee, G. Kim, and I.K. Moon
Computers and Operations Research (2021.08) Vol.132, 105265 📖[View PDF]
[133] A Game Theoretic Approach for Analyzing Electric and Gasoline-based Vehicles Competition in a Supply Chain under Government Sustainable Strategies: A Case Study of South Korea
M. Rasti-Barzoki and I.K. Moon
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (2021.08) Vol.146, 111139 📖[View PDF]
[132] Scenario-based Stochastic Programming for an Airline-driven Flight Rescheduling Problem under Ground Delay Programs
Y.B. Woo and I.K. Moon
Transportation Research Part E (2021.06) Vol.150, 102360 📖[View PDF]
[131] Vehicle Routing Problem Considering Reconnaissance and Transportation
B.J. Ju, M.S. Kim, and I.K. Moon
Sustainability (2021.03), Vol. 13, Issue 6, 3188 📖[View PDF]
[130] Robust Multiperiod Inventory Model with a New Type of Buy One Get One Promotion: My Own Refrigerator
Y.C. Shin, S.Y. Lee, and I.K. Moon
Omega (2021.03) Vol. 99, 102170 📖[View PDF]
[129] Analyzing the Effects of Using Both Foldable and Standard Containers in Ocean Transportation
Y. Myung, I.K. Moon and K. Lee
International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice (2021.01) Vol. 28, No.1, pp 92-105 📖[View PDF]
[128] Effects of Using Foldable Containers in Hinterland Areas
M.S. Kim, S.W. Kim, and I.K. Moon
Transportation Letters (2021.01) Vol. 13, No.1, pp 53-63 📖[View PDF]
[127] Integrated Planning for Product Selection, Shelf-space Allocation, and Replenishment Decision with Elasticity and Positioning Effects
G. Kim and I.K. Moon
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (2021.01) Vol. 58, 102274 📖[View PDF]
[126] Investment and Coordination Decisions in a Supply Chain of Fresh Agricultural Products
I.K. Moon, Y.J. Jeong, and S. Saha
Operational Research (2020.12) Vol. 20, Issue 4, pp 2307-2331 📖[View PDF]
[125] Optimal Devanning Time and Detention Charges for Container Supply Chains
Y.J. Jeong, S. Saha, and I.K. Moon
Transportation Research Part E (2020.11) Vol. 143, 102055 📖[View PDF]
[124] Wartime Logistics Model for Multi-support Unit Location-allocation Problem with Frontline Changes
H.J. Koo and I.K. Moon
International Transactions in Operational Research (2020.11) Vol. 27, Issue 6, pp 3031-3055 📖[View PDF]
[123] Complexity and Relaxation Methods for Minimising Total Average Cycle Stock Subject to Practical Constraints
Y. Myung and I.K. Moon
Journal of the Operational Research Society (2020.08) Vol. 71, No.8, pp 1301-1305 📖[View PDF]
[122] A game theoretic approach for car pricing and its energy efficiency level versus governmental sustainability goals by considering rebound effect: A case study of South Korea
M. Rasti-Barzoki and I.K. Moon
Applied Energy (2020.08) Vol. 271, 115196 📖[View PDF]
[121] Online Advertising Assignment Problem without Free Disposal
G. Kim and I.K. Moon
Applied Soft Computing (2020.08) Vol. 93, 106370 📖[View PDF]
[120] Cooperative Sales Promotion with a Point-sharing Policy: Advantages and Limitations
I.K. Moon, J. Xu, X. Feng, and X. Ruan
Omega (2020.07) Vol. 94, 102038 📖[View PDF]
[119] Joint Pricing and Inventory Decisions with Carbon Emission Considerations, Partial Backordering and Planned Discounts
A.A. Taleizadeh, B. Hazarkhani, and I.K. Moon
Annals of Operations Research (2020.07) Vol. 290, pp 95-113 📖[View PDF]
[118] Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Set Covering Problem Considering Fixed-Radius Coverage Constraint
Y.S. Park, P. Nielsen, and I.K. Moon
Computers & Operations Research (2020.07) Vol.119, 104936 📖[View PDF]
[117] Robust Multiperiod Inventory Model Considering Trade-in Program and Refurbishment Service: Implications to Emerging Markets
Y.C. Shin, S.Y. Lee, and I.K. Moon
Transportation Research Part E (2020.06) Vol.138, 101932 📖[View PDF]
[116] The Location Routing Problem with Multi-Compartment and Multi-Trip: Formulation and Heuristic Approaches
I.K. Moon, S. Salhi, and X. Feng
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science (2020.02) Vol. 16, Issue 3, pp 501-528 📖[View PDF]
[115] Online Banner Advertisement Scheduling for Advertising Effectiveness
G. Kim and I.K. Moon
Computers & Industrial Engineering (2020.02) Vol. 140,106226 📖[View PDF]
[114] Robust Empty Container Repositioning Considering Foldable Containers
S.Y. Lee and I.K. Moon
European Journal of Operational Research (2020.02) Vol. 280, pp 909-925 📖[View PDF]
[113] A Mechanism Design Approach to a Buyer's Optimal Auditing Policy to Induce Responsible Sourcing in a Supply Chain
H. Zarei, M. Rasti-Barzoki, and I.K. Moon
Journal of Environmental Management (2020.01) Vol. 254, 109721 📖[View PDF]
[112]Stochastic Facility Location Model for Drones Considering Uncertain Flight Distances
D.W. Kim, K.S. Lee, and I.K. Moon
Annals of Operations Research (2019.12) Vol. 283, Issue 1-2, pp 1283-1302 📖[View PDF]
[111] Task Scheduling System for UAV Operations in Indoor Environment
Y. Khosiawan, Y.S. Park, I.K. Moon, J.M. Nilakantan, and I. Nielsen
Neural Computing and Applications (2019.09) Vol. 31, Issuer 9, pp 5431-5459 📖[View PDF]
[110] Simultaneous Evacuation and Entrance Planning in Complex Building Based on Dynamic Network Flows
Y.C. Shin, S.W. Kim, and I.K. Moon
Applied Mathematical Modelling (2019.09) Vol. 73, pp 545-562 📖[View PDF]
[109] Dynamic versus Static Rebates: an Investigation on Price, Displayed Stock Level, and Rebate-induced Demand Using a Hybrid Bat Algorithm
K. Dey, D. Chatterjee, S. Saha, and I.K. Moon
Annals of Operations Research (2019.08) Vol. 279(1), pp 187-219 📖[View PDF]
[108] Column Generation Algorithms for a Single Machine Problem with Deteriorating Jobs and Deterioration Maintenance Activities
Y.B. Woo, B.S. Kim, and I.K. Moon
Procedia Manufacturing (2019.08) Vol. 39, pp 1119-1128 📖[View PDF]
[107] Integrated Optimal Scheduling of Repair Crew and Relief Vehicle after Disaster
Y.C. Shin, S.W. Kim, and I.K. Moon
Computers & Operations Research (2019.05) Vol.105, pp.237-247 📖[View PDF]
[106] Hybrid NSGA-II Algorithm for an Imperfect Production System Considering Product Quality and Returns under Two Warranty Policies
A.A. Taleizadeh, P. Pourreza, and I.k. Moon
Applied Soft Computing (2019.02) Vol. 75, pp.333-348 📖[View PDF]
[105] Traveling Salesman Problem with a Drone Station
S.W. Kim and I.K. Moon
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems (2019.01) Vol. 49, Issue 1, pp.42-52 📖[View PDF]
[104] Network Repair Crew Scheduling for Short-Term Disasters
S.W. Kim, Y.C. Shin, G. Lee, and I.K. Moon
Applied Mathematical Modelling (2018.12) Vol. 64, pp.510-523 📖[View PDF]
[103] Medical Relief Shelter Location Problem with Patient Severity under a Limited Relief Budget
J.M. Gu, Y. Zhou, A. Das, I.K. Moon, and Gyu M. Lee
Computers and Industrial Engineering (2018.11) Vol. 125 pp.720-728 📖[View PDF]
[102] Range-based Truck-state Transition Modeling Method for Foldable Container Drayage Services
R. Zhang, H. Zhao, and I.K. Moon
Transportation Research Part E (2018.10), Vol. 118, pp.225-239 📖[View PDF]
[101] Direct Shipping Service Routes with an Empty Container Management Strategy
Y.J. Jeong, S. Saha, D. Chatterjee, and I.K. Moon
Transportation Research Part E (2018.10), Vol. 118, pp.123-142 📖[View PDF]
[100] Balancing a Mixed-model Assembly Line with Unskilled Temporary Workers: Algorithm and Case Study
D.W. Kim, D.H. Moon, and I.K. Moon
Assembly Automation (2018.09) Vol. 38, Issue: 4, pp.511-523 📖[View PDF]
[99] Early Stage Response Problem for Post-Disaster Incidents
S.W. Kim, Y.C. Shin, G. Lee, and I.K. Moon
Engineering Optimization (2018.07), Vol. 50, Issue 7, pp. 1198-1211 📖[View PDF]
[98] Pricing, Product Quality, and Collection Optimization in a Decentralized Closed-loop Supply Chain with Different Channel Structures: Game
Theoretical Approach
A.A. Taleizadeh, M.S. Moshtagh, and I.K. Moon
Journal of Cleaner Production (2018.07), Vol. 189, pp.406-431 📖[View PDF]
[97] The Impact of Online Sales on Centralised and Decentralised Dual-channel Supply Chains
I.K. Moon, S. P. Sarmah, and S. Saha
European Journal of Industrial Engineering (2018.02), Vol. 12, No. 1, pp.67-92 📖[View PDF]
[96] Strategic Inventory: Manufacturer vs. Retailer Investment
I.K. Moon, K. Dey, and S. Saha
Transportation Research Part E (2018.01), Vol. 109, pp. 63-82 📖[View PDF]
[95] Supply Chain Coordination with a Single Supplier and Multiple Retailers considering Customer Arrival Times and Route Selection
I.K. Moon, and X. Feng
Transportation Research Part E (2017.10), Vol. 106, pp. 78-97 📖[View PDF]
[94] Joint Decisions on Product Line Selection, Purchasing, and Pricing
I.K. Moon, K.S. Park, J. Hao, and D.W. Kim
European Journal of Operational Research (2017.10), Vol. 262, Issue 1, pp. 207-216 📖[View PDF]
[93] Optimal Decisions of Price, Quality, Effort Level and Return Policy in a Three-level Closed-loop Supply Chain based on Different Game Theory Approaches
A. Taleizadeh, M. Moshtagh, and I.K. Moon
European Journal of Industrial Engineering (2017.08), Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 486-525 📖[View PDF]
[92] Warehouse Capacity Sharing via Transshipment for an Integrated Two-echelon Supply Chain
X. Feng, I.K. Moon, and K.R. Ryu
Transportation Research Part E (2017.08), Vol. 104, pp. 17-35 📖[View PDF]
[91] An Integer Program and a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the University Timetabling Problem
X. Feng, Y. Lee, and I.K. Moon
Optimization Methods and Software (2017.04) Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 625-649 📖[View PDF]
[90] Optimal Retailer Investments in Green Operations and Preservation Technology for Deteriorating Items
S. Saha, I. Nielsen, and I.K. Moon
Journal of Cleaner Production (2017.01), Vol. 140, Part 3, pp. 1514-1527 📖[View PDF]
[89] Fuzzy Bi-objective Production-Distribution Planning Problem under the Carbon Emission Constraint
I.K. Moon, Y.J. Jeong, and S. Saha
Sustainability (2016.08), Vol. 8, Issue 8, 17pages 📖[View PDF]
[88] The Distribution-free Newsboy Problem with Multiple Discounts and Upgrades
I.K. Moon, D.K. Yoo, and S. Saha
Mathematical Problems in Engineering (2016), Vol. 2016, Article ID 2017253, 11pages 📖[View PDF]
[87] Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows considering Delivery and Installation Vehicles
H.C. Bae and I.K. Moon
Applied Mathematical Modelling (2016.07), Vol. 40, Issue 13-14, pp. 6536-6549 📖[View PDF]
[86]A Time-varying Lot Sizes Approach for the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem with Returns
H.C. Bae, I.K. Moon and W.Y. Yun
International Journal of Production Research (2016.06), Vol. 54, Issue 11, pp. 3380-3396 📖[View PDF]
[85] Evolutionary Resource Assignment for Workload-based Production Scheduling
I.K. Moon, S.H, Lee, M.S. Shin and K.Y. Ryu
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (2016.04), Vol. 27, Issue 2, pp. 375-388 📖[View PDF]
[84] Dual Channel Closed-loop Supply Chain Coordination with a Reward-driven Remanufacturing Policy
S. Saha, S.P. Sarmah and I.K. Moon
International Journal of Production Research (2016.03), Vol. 54, Issue 5, pp. 1503-1517 📖[View PDF]
[83] Repositioning of Empty Containers using both Standard and Foldable Containers
I.K. Moon and H.J. Hong
Maritime Economics and Logistics (2016.03), Vol. 18, No.1, pp. 61-77 📖[View PDF]
[82] Supply Chain Coordination under Budget Constraints
X. Feng, I.K. Moon and K. Ryu
Computers and Industrial Engineering (2015.10),Vol. 88, pp. 487-500 📖[View PDF]
[81] Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for the Three-dimensional Multiple Container Packing Problem
X. Feng, I.K. Moon and J.H. Shin
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal (2015.09),Vol. 27, Issue 2-3, pp. 451-477 📖[View PDF]
[80] Channel Coordination for Multi-stage Supply Chains with Revenue-sharing Contracts under Budget Constraints
I.K. Moon, X. Feng and K.Y. Ryu
International Journal of Production Research (2015.08),Vol. 53, Issue 16, pp. 4819-4836 📖[View PDF]
[79] A Combined Tramp Ship Routing, Fleet Deployment, and Network Design Problem
I.K. Moon, Z.B. Qiu and J.H. Wang,
Maritime Policy and Management (2015.01),Vol. 42, Issue 1, pp. 68-91 📖[View PDF]
[78] Manufacturing Setup Cost Reduction and Quality Improvement for the Distribution Free Continuous-review Inventory Model with a Service Level Constraint
B. Sarkar, K. Chaudhuri, I.K. Moon
Journal of Manufacturing Systems (2015.01),Vol. 34, Issue 1, pp. 74-82 📖[View PDF]
[77] Labour Productivity in Modular Assembly: A Study of Automotive Module Suppliers
N. Islamoglu, K. Ryu, and I.K. Moon
International Journal of Production Research (2014.12),Vol. 52, No. 23, pp. 6954-6970 📖[View PDF]
[76] Container Packing Problem with Balance Constraints
I.K. Moon and N.T.V. Ly
OR Spectrum (2014.10), Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 837-878 📖[View PDF]
[75] A Network Flow Model for the Optimal Allocation of both Foldable and Standard Containers
Y. Myung and I.K. Moon
Operations Research Letters (2014.09), Vol. 42, Issues 6-7, pp. 484-488 📖[View PDF]
[74] Improved Quality, Setup Cost Reduction, and Variable Backorder Costs in an Imperfect Production Process
B. Sarkar and I.K. Moon
International Journal of Production Economics (2014.09), Vol. 155, pp. 204-213 📖[View PDF]
[73] A Hybrid Hub-and-Spoke Postal Logistics Network with Realistic Restrictions: A Case Study of Korea Post
J.H. Lee and I.K. Moon
Expert Systems With Applications (2014.09), Vol. 41, pp. 5509-5519 📖[View PDF]
[72] Planning of Business Process Execution in Business Process Management Environments
H.R. Bae, S.H. Lee and I.K. Moon
Information Sciences (2014.06), Vol. 268, No. 1, pp. 357-369 📖[View PDF]
[71] Modeling and Optimization of Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
J.H. Lee and I.K. Moon
Applied Mathematical Modelling (2014.04), Vol. 38, No. 7-8, pp. 2280-2289 📖[View PDF]
[70] Economic Lot and Supply Scheduling Problem: A Time-varying Lot Sizes Approach
H.C. Bae, I.K. Moon and W.Y. Yun
International Journal of Production Research (2014.04), Vol. 52, No. 8, pp. 2422-2435 📖[View PDF]
[69] Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for Test Bed Scheduling Problems
A.D. Do Ngoc, S.H. Lee and I.K. Moon
International Journal of Production Research (2014.02), Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 1074-1089 📖[View PDF]
[68] Min-max Distribution Free Continuous-review Model with a Service Level Constraint and Variable Lead Time
I.K. Moon, E.J. Shin and B. Sarkar
Applied Mathematics and Computation (2014.02),Vol. 229, pp. 310-315 📖[View PDF]
[67] Revenue-sharing Contracts in an N-stage Supply Chain with Reliability Considerations
X. Feng, I.K. Moon and K. Ryu
International Journal of Production Economics (2014.01), Vol. 147, Part A, pp. 20-29 📖[View PDF]
[66] A Pick-up and Delivery Service Network Design among Service Centers for Low Demands in Express Delivery Services
F. N. Ferdinand, I.K. Moon, and C.S. Ko
ICIC Express Letters (2013.06), Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 1819-1825
[65] A Decision Making Model for Strategic Alliance-based Network Design in Express Delivery Services
F. N. Ferdinand, I.K. Moon, K.H. Chung, and C.S. Ko
ICIC Express Letters (2013.06), Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 1813-1818
[64] A Fractal Echelon Approach for Inventory Management in Supply Chain Networks
K.Y. Ryu, I.K. Moon, S.J. Oh and M.Y. Jung
International Journal of Production Economics (2013.06), Vol. 143, No. 2, pp. 316-326 📖[View PDF]
[63] Foldable and Standard Containers in Empty Container Repositioning
I.K. Moon, A.D. Do Ngoc and R. Konings
Transportation Research Part E (2013.01), Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 107-124 📖[View PDF]
[62] Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows considering Overtime and Outsourcing Vehicles
I.K. Moon, J.H. Lee and J. Seong
Expert Systems With Applications (2012.12), Vol. 39, No. 18, pp. 13202-13213 📖[View PDF]
[61] A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm with a new Packing Strategy for the Three-dimensional Bin Packing Problem
K.D. Kang, I.K. Moon and H.F. Wang
Applied Mathematics and Computation (2012.10), Vol. 219, No. 3, pp. 1287-1299 📖[View PDF]
[60] A Memetic Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Multimodal Optimization Problems
H.F. Wang, I.K. Moon, S.X. Yang and D.W. Wang
Information Sciences (2012.08), Vol. 197, No. 15, pp. 38-52 📖[View PDF]
[59] Flexible Job-shop Scheduling Problems with 'AND'/'OR' Precedence Constraints
S.H. Lee, I.K. Moon, H.R. Bae and J.O. Kim
International Journal of Production Research (2012.04), Vol. 50, No. 7, pp. 1979-2001 📖[View PDF]
[58] Inventory Systems with Variable Capacity
I.K. Moon, B.H. Ha and J.C. Kim
European Journal of Industrial Engineering (2012.01), Vol. 6, No. 1, pp.68-86 📖[View PDF]
[57] The Storage Capacity Expansion and Space Leasing for Container Depots
A.D. Do Ngoc and I.K. Moon
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal (2011.10), Vol. 23, No. 4, pp.364-384 📖[View PDF]
[56] Modeling and Optimization of a Container Drayage Problem with Resource Constraints
R. Zhang, W.Y. Yun and I.K. Moon
International Journal of Production Economics (2011.09), Vol. 133, No. 1, pp.351-359 📖[View PDF]
[55] The Joint Replenishment and Freight Consolidation of a Warehouse in a Supply Chain
I.K. Moon, B.C. Cha and C.U. Lee
International Journal of Production Economics (2011.09), Vol. 133, No. 1, pp.344-350 📖[View PDF]
[54] An EPQ Model with Inflation in an Imperfect Production System
B. Sarkar and I.K. Moon
Applied Mathematics and Computation (2011.03), Vol. 217, No. 13, pp.6159-6167 📖[View PDF]
[53] Collaborative Fractal-based Supply Chain Management Based on a Trust Model for the Automotive Industry
S.J. Oh, K.Y. Ryu, I.K. Moon, H.B. Cho and M.Y. Jung
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal (2010.12), Vol.22, No. 3-4, pp.183-213 📖[View PDF]
[52] Positioning Empty Containers among Multiple Ports with Leasing and Purchasing Considerations
I.K. Moon, A.D. Do Ngoc and Y.S. Hur
OR Spectrum (2010. 07), Vol. 32, No. 3, pp.765-786 📖[View PDF]
[51] Multi-level Supply Chain Network Design with Routing
J.H. Lee, I.K. Moon and J.H. Park
International Journal of Production Research (2010. 07), Vol. 48, No. 13, pp.3957-3976 📖[View PDF]
[50] A Reactive Tabu Search Algorithm for the Multi-Depot Container Truck Transportation Problem
R. Zhang, W.Y. Yun and I.K. Moon
Transportation Research Part E (2009. 11), Vol. 45, No. 6, pp.904-914 📖[View PDF]
[49] Integrated Assembly Line Balancing with Resource Restrictions
I.K. Moon, R. Logendran and J.H. Lee
International Journal of Production Research (2009. 10), Vol. 47, No. 19, pp.5525-5541 📖[View PDF]
[48] Offsetting Inventory Cycles using Mixed Integer Programming and Genetic Algorithm
I.K. Moon, B.C. Cha and S.K. Kim
International Journal of Industrial Engineering (2008. 09), Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 245-256 📖[View PDF]
[47] The Joint Replenishment and Delivery Scheduling of the One-Warehouse, n-Retailer System
B.C. Cha, I.K. Moon and J.H. Park
Transportation Research Part E (2008. 09), Vol. 44, Issue 5, pp. 720-730 📖[View PDF]
[46] Analytic Hierarchy Process to Assess and Optimize Distribution Network
Mithun J. Sharma, I.K. Moon and H.R. Bae
Applied Mathematics and Computation (2008, 08), Vol. 202, Issue 1, pp. 256-265 📖[View PDF]
[45] Simulation-based Maintenance Support System for Multi-functional Complex Systems
W. Yun, I.K. Moon and G. Kim
Production Planning & Control (2008. 06), Vol. 19, Issue 4, pp. 365-378 📖[View PDF]
[44] The Joint Replenishment Problem Involving Multiple Suppliers Offering Quantity Discounts
I.K. Moon, S.K. Goyal and B.C. Cha
International Journal of Systems Science (2008. 06), Vol. 39, Issue 6, pp. 629-637 📖[View PDF]
[43] Genetic Algorithms for Job Shop Scheduling Problems with Alternative Routings
I.K. Moon, S.H. Lee and H.R. Bae
International Journal of Production Research (2008. 05), Vol. 46, No. 10, pp. 2695-2705 📖[View PDF]
[42] Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Group Technology Economic Lot Scheduling Problem
I.K. Moon, B.C. Cha and H.C. Bae
International Journal of Production Research (2006. 11), Vol. 44, No. 21, pp. 4551-4568 📖[View PDF]
[41] The Joint Replenishment Problem with Resource Restriction
I.K. Moon and B.C. Cha
European Journal of Operational Research (2006. 08), Vol. 173, Issue 1, pp. 190-198 📖[View PDF]
[40] Coordinated Inventory Models with Compensation Policy in a Three Level Supply Chain
J.H. Lee and I.K. Moon
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2006. 05), Vol. 3982, pp. 572-581 📖[View PDF]
[39] A Simple Heuristic on a Multi-product Inventory System with Budgetary Constraint
S.K. Goyal, B.C. Giri and I.K. Moon
Industrial Engineering Journal (2006. 04), Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 17-19
[38] The Joint Replenishment Problem with Quantity Discounts under Constant Demand
B.C. Cha and I.K. Moon
OR Spectrum (2005. 08), Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 569-581 📖[View PDF]
[37] A Continuous Review Inventory Model with the Controllable Production Rate of the Manufacturer
I.K. Moon and B.C. Cha
International Transactions in Operational Research (2005. 06), Vol. 12, pp. 247-258 📖[View PDF]
[36] Economic Order Quantity Models for Ameliorating/Deteriorating Items under Inflation and Time Discounting
I.K. Moon, B.C. Giri and B. Ko
European Journal of Operational Research (2005. 05), Vol. 162, Issue 3, pp. 773-785 📖[View PDF]
[35] Note on an Economic Lot Scheduling Problem under Budgetary and Capacity Constraints
B.C. Giri and I.K. Moon
International Journal of Production Economics (2004. 10), Vol. 91, No. 3, pp. 229-234 📖[View PDF]
[34] Accounting for Idle Capacity Cost in the Scheduling of Economic Lot Sizes
B.C. Giri and I.K. Moon
International Journal of Production Research (2004. 02), Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 677-691 📖[View PDF]
[33] Scheduling Economic Lot Sizes in Deteriorating Production Systems
B.C. Giri, I.K. Moon, W.Y. Yun
Naval Research Logistics (2003. 09), Vol. 50, No. 6, pp. 650-661 📖[View PDF]
[32] Economic Lot Scheduling Problem with Imperfect Production Processes and Setup Times
I.K. Moon, B.C. Giri and K. Choi
Journal of the Operational Research Society (2002. 06), Vol. 53, pp. 620-629 📖[View PDF]
[31] Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Economic Lot-Scheduling Problem
I.K. Moon, E. Silver and S. Choi
International Journal of Production Research (2002. 03), Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 809-824 📖[View PDF]
[30] Book Review: Inventory Management and Production Planning and Scheduling, third editon
I.K. Moon
Interfaces (2001. 11), Vol. 35, Issue 6, pp. 125-127
[29] Comment on Boss S, Goswami A and Chaudhuri KS(1995). An EOQ Model for Deteriorating Items with Linear Time-dependent Demand Rate and Shortages under Inflation and Time Discounting
I.K. Moon and B.C Giri
Journal of the Operational Research Society (2001. 08), Vol. 52, pp. 966-969 📖[View PDF]
[28] The Multi-Item Single Period Problem with an Initial Stock of Convertible Units
E. Silver and I.K. Moon
European Journal of Operational Research (2001. 07), Vol. 132, Issue 2, pp. 466-477 📖[View PDF]
[27] Multi-Item Economic Order Quantity Model with an Initial Stock of Convertible Units
E. Silver and I.K. Moon
The Engineering Economist (2001. 06), Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 129-138 📖[View PDF]
[26] Minimizing the Expected Total Value of Shortages for a Population of Items Subject to Practical Restrictions on the Reorder Points
I.K. Moon and E. Silver
International Journal of Production Economics (2001. 03), Vol. 70, No. 1, pp. 45-54 📖[View PDF]
[25] The Effects of Inflation and Time-Value of Money on an Economic Order Quantity Model with a Random Product Life Cycle
I.K. Moon and S. Lee
European Journal of Operational Research (2000. 09), Vol. 125, Issue 3, pp. 588-601 📖[View PDF]
[24] The Multi-Item Newsvendor Problem with a Budget Constraint and Fixed Ordering Costs
I.K. Moon and E. Silver
Journal of the Operational Research Society (2000. 05), Vol. 51, pp. 602-608 📖[View PDF]
[23] A Fast Heuristic for Minimizing Total Average Cycle Stock Subject to Practical Constraints
E. Silver and I.K. Moon
Journal of the Operational Research Society (1999. 08), Vol. 50, pp. 789-796 📖[View PDF]
[22] The Effect of the Stabilization Period on The Economic Lot Scheduling Problem
I.K. Moon, J. Hahm, and C. Lee
IIE Transactions (1998. 11), Vol. 30, No. 11, pp. 1009-1017 📖[View PDF]
[21] A Note on Lead Time and Distributional Assumptions in Continuous Review inventory Models
I.K. Moon and S. Choi
Computers & Operations Research (1998. 11), Vol. 25, No. 11, pp. 1007-1012 📖[View PDF]
[20] Rationing Policies for Some Inventory Systems
I.K. Moon and S. Kang
Journal of the Operational Research Society (1998. 04), Vol. 49, No. 5, pp. 509-518 📖[View PDF]
[19] Warranty Cost Analysis under Continuous Sales
W. Yun and I.K. Moon
Journal of the Operational Research Society (1998. 02), Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 176-178 📖[View PDF]
[18] The Distribution Free Job Control Problem
I.K. Moon and W. Yun
Computers & Industrial Engineering (1997. 01), Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 109-113 📖[View PDF]
[17] Distribution Free Procedures for Make-to-Order(MTO), Make-in-Advance(MIA), and Composite Policies
I.K. Moon and S. Choi
International Journal of Production Economics (1997. 01), Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 21-28 📖[View PDF]
[16] System Analysis of a Multi-Product, Small-Lot-Sized Production by Simulation : A Korean Motor Factory Case
K. Cho, I.K. Moon and W. Yun
Computers & Industrial Engineering (1996. 06), Vol. 30, No 3, pp. 347-356 📖[View PDF]
[15] How to Avoid Stockouts When Producing Several Items on a Single Facility? What to Do if You Can't?
G. Galllego and I.K. Moon
Computers & Operations Research (1996. 01), Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 1-12 📖[View PDF]
[14] Strategic Investment to Reduce Setup Time in the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem
G. Galllego and I.K. Moon
Naval Research Logistics (1995. 08), Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 773-790 📖[View PDF]
[13] The Distribution Free Newsboy Problem with Balking
I.K. Moon and S. Choi
Journal of the Operational Research Society (1995. 04), Vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 537-542 📖[View PDF]
[12] Generalized Fomula for the Periodic Geometric-Gradient Series Payment in a Skip Payment Loan with Arbitrary Skips
I.K. Moon
The Engineering Economist (1994. 12), Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 177-185📖[View PDF]
[11] The Distribution Free Continuous Review Inventory System with a Service Level Constraint
I.K. Moon and S. Choi
Computers & Industrial Engineering (1994. 09), Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 209-212 📖[View PDF]
[10] Multiproduct Economic Lot Size Models with Investment Costs for Setup Reduction and Quality Improvement : Review and Extensions
I.K. Moon
International Journal of Production Research (1994. 12), Vol. 32, No. 12, pp. 2795-2801
[9] Distribution Free Procedures for Some Inventory models
I.K. Moon and G. Gallego
Journal of the Operational Research Society (1994. 06), Vol. 45, No. 6, pp. 651-65
[8] Optimal Control of a Manufacturing Process that Involves Trial Runs
G. Gallego, D. Yao and I.K. Moon
Management Science (1993. 12), Vol. 39, No. 12, pp. 1499-1505
[7] An Economic Order Quantity Model with a Random Planning Horizon
I.K. Moon and W. Yun
The Engineering Economist (1993. 09), Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 77-86
[6] A Note on Evaluating Investments in Inventory System : A Net Present Value Framework
I.K. Moon and W. Yun
The Engineering Economist (1993. 09), Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 93-99
[5] A Note of Correction on Multi-Product Scheduling on a Single Machine
I.K. Moon
Omega (1993. 09), Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 597-599
[4] The Distribution Free Newsboy Problem : Review and Extensions
G. Gallego and I.K. Moon
Journal of the Operational Research Society (1993. 08), Vol. 44, No. 8, pp. 825-834 📖[View PDF]
[3] A Note on Impact to Investing in Quality Improvement on the Lot Size Model
I.K. Moon
Omega (1992. 07), Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 545
[2] The Effect of Externalizing Setups in the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem
G. Galllego and I.K. Moon
Operations Research (1992. 05), Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 614-619
[1] Controllable Production Rates in a Family Production Context
I.K. Moon, G. Gallego and D. Simchi-Levi
International Journal of Production Research (1991. 12), Vol. 29, No. 12, pp. 2459-2470 📖[View PDF]